Brian Stelter: Gaslighter, Democratic Hack, And Sensitive Little Flower

CNN is a fake news repository. The network is home to such pundits and “unbiased” news hosts such as Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper, and many more. However, the worst of the bunch is Brian Stelter, host of the show Reliable Sources. The goal of his show is to help viewers make sense of the news. He tells his audience what is real vs. what is propaganda.

Sounds useful right? There is a lot of bullshit out there. No wonder trust in media is at an all time low. Thank God we have this feminine bald guy telling us what to believe.

This guy has an obsession with right wing media. That damn Fox News and their wacky conspiracy theories! Or how about OANN and their Russian propaganda?

Sometimes he’s the Joseph Goebbels of CNN. Other times, he’s this guy:

Somebody has been listening to too much early 2010s Drake. How poetic.

Recently, Twitter user “Comfortably Smug” (@comfortablysmug) hosted a march madness style tournament called the “Liberal Hack” Tournament, using Twitter polls to determine each head-to-head winner. There were 64 very deserving contestants. Not only did Stelter win the tournament, taking his position as the top “Liberal Hack” in media, he dominated.

In the final four (or the “Fake Four”), Stelter easily took down one of cable news’s most smug and self important pundits in Rachel Maddow with 70% of the vote. After that, he ousted the Washington Post’s fake conservative and terminal TDS-sufferer Jennifer Rubin.

In other words, everyone knows Stelter is a complete hack.

My theory about Brian Stelter basically coincides with his “Pokemon Card” above. I think that he is the most sinister dude at CNN. Because he’s so effeminate and harmless looking, Zucker trots him out to be his Goebbels. When Stelter isn’t crying or gaslighting, it’s easy to imagine him in Zucker’s basement chained up with a ball gag.

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